Global D&I expert with advanced talent management experience and exceptional business acumen
Primary specialism: Talent Management
Markets with deep expertise: North & South America, Europe, Middle East, Asia
Languages : English
Salary expectations: from $200 USD base
Workforce types directly supported: Senior Leaders, Managers and employees working for large, multinational companies within the Technology, Aerospace, and Defence sectors
Current home country: United States
Mobility: Asia, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Pacific, North America, South America, Africa
Team management: Managed teams of 10 directs to 150 indirect in over 30 countries; also worked as a subject matter expert individual contributor
Current/recent employer: Tech sector corporation with $25billion annual revenues and 170,000 employees
Remits of particular interest: Director/VP level roles in companies that are interested in maturing their brand as an employer of choice through inclusion and diversity. Is open to industry and company size.
Unique expertise: Is not a “standard” HR leader having instead a business development and government relations background. This offers a unique advantage in the language and approach she uses to connect with business leaders on what matters to them, and then link business priorities to culture, inclusion, and diversity.
Commerciality: A recent cross continent project was designed to strengthen employee engagement in Employee Resource Groups, spanning 160 chapters in over 30 countries. Results in only 2 years included: 20% increase in chapters and 31% increase in membership; 200% increase in number of ERG events held; 250% increase in participation.
Strengths: Experience in business and sales helps her to anchor a diversity and inclusion strategy within a company's vision, values, mission, and goals. Ability to communicate easily with leaders in P&L and operational roles, lends a real advantage as a credible HR leader.
Need to know: I am a master strategist, with the ability to design a cross-cultural strategy that unites major functions together for the good of the employee and company. As one example, I recently directed an external communications campaign during the launch of a company that pulled the best of HR, Communications, Government Relations, and Talent Acquisition together.
Would you like more details on this professional, to fill a potential gap in your HR team?
CMTS reference: PJBP-408468