9 tips (plus a bonus) for keeping sane whilst HR job seeking
How to stay positive during a HR job search
If you find yourself unexpectedly unemployed, and have the requirement to get back on a payroll quickly, you really need to apply an intensity of effort and high degree of planning, if you don’t want to be out of the workforce for too long.
Regardless of your specialist area within the HR function, some markets are always competitive with many talented professionals vying for the same plumb jobs. Certainly as you gain more seniority in your career, the level of competition, especially for roles open to international HR leaders can be particularly intense.
These tips should be a great starting point to get you on the path to success.
If you have a chip on your shoulder, lose it. I have a person in my network who struggled to achieve recognition and promotion in a previous role. He was then made redundant. When he came to me for help all he wanted to do was focus on how unfair it was that he’d lost his job. When I addressed this with him, he took umbrage. It didn’t fill us with confidence that he would make a good impression at interview, nor that he was of the right mind-set to resume his professional career with success. He’s since had 3 jobs in quick succession. The chip he’s been carrying, has grown into a boulder. Life goes on regardless of your angst, so forget the past, and move yourself on.
Don’t rely on recruitment agencies to find a job for you and this applies to both contingency hiring and executive search firms. They are paid by employers to fill current hiring assignments. They are not paid to find you work. They may from time to time offer pro- active marketing to help exceptional people, but it’s not the primary focus of their business model. Be aware that many markets have legislation that prevents recruitment agencies from taking money to find work for job seekers, so if you want that kind of support you’ll have to pay a specialist job finding firm to act on your behalf.
There are many, many, many articles and webinars on how best to maximise your agency relationship. Check into these. For sure the recruitment industry has plenty of muppets working within it who don’t care that you’re a prospective client – subsequently you will likely experience issues with a lack of acknowledgement or professional respect. Be courteous, even to the muppets – you can get your revenge when you’re back in a position to hire again. Good agency recruiters should at least advise whether they help, but again, they are paid by employers to fill current hiring assignments and not paid to find you work.
Absolutely maintain your contact with reputable recruitment agencies and executive search firms, but there is a very fine line between you staying “top of mind” and stalking their consultants, to the point where you get yourself on a “black list” of to-be-avoided-at-all-cost-desperate-job-seekers.
Everything about agency relationships above, applies to your interactions with employer-direct interactions as well. 82 applications for a variety of jobs will put you on a black list. Guaranteed. Venting your frustrations at some hapless junior will put you on a black list. Guaranteed. The world is a small place and you’ll likely have the chance to swipe back another time if you really want/need to – but you’ll be better served by putting your energy to better use during this time.
Get healthy. Loads has been written on this by others before. If your body and mind are in tip top shape, you will project a level of desirability that a podgy, slouchy, weary job seeking competitor cannot match or fake. Energy to your appearance counts, so give yourself an edge.
Treat your HR job search like a project. Set yourself daily and weekly goals, and make sure your activity is targeted and pro active. Include time in your project plan for quality networking; keeping abreast of hot topics in the HR profession and/or in industry; for personal development, and fitness activities.
Consider whether you can undertake formal learning to update your skills, or offer time on a voluntary basis to local community groups - if your search is taking some time, anything you can do to keep your skills fresh, your “work head” active, and that reminds you that you’re valuable, is a worthwhile activity. Oh, and you’ll have a stronger story to tell at interview instead of just “I’ve been looking for months with no luck”
Don’t take rejection personally. Think of it just as a numbers game – another rejection gets you closer to acceptance. Corny but true, and if you focus just on the rejections, it will drive you crazy and poison your mind (and then you’ll be back to tip 1 with a chip on your shoulder).
“Be prepared - finding a new role to advance your career within the HR function, can be a full time job in itself”
Finally, and arguably the most important tip we can share. Find fun during this time. Amuse yourself with B.S. bingo (heavens knows recruiters are full of it). Giggle at the nonsense written in job ads and job descriptions. Reward the achievement of your goals with fun activities (seriously – why shouldn’t you treat yourself after sitting through 5 mind numbing interviews in a week or getting 20 targeted applications out today?!) Enjoy this time while you can with friends and family because all things being equal, it’s just a matter of time until you’re back on the work merry-go-round.
Yes, there is financial and family and social pressure on you all the time you're not working, but....keep some perspective, and do whatever you can to preserve your sanity and dignity.
About the Author
Tracey Thompson is well regarded within the industry for her ability to source and engage high performance HR talent. Over many years she has built a well deserved reputation for her uncanny ability to access proverbial “purple squirrel” HR specialists and as a result, is looked to as a global sourcing subject matter expert.