Hilary Clinton
“Don’t confuse having a career with having a life. ”
Perspective is everything, especially within the HR profession. Wasn't Marilyn Monroe quoted along similar lines - something to the effect that a career is fine but you cannot curl up with it on a cold night?
I know first hand how some days, as a HR leader, you just have to wonder why you bothered to get out of bed....how you're expected to know all the answers, often without having had the full context of the problem told to you; how often "everything" is the fault of the HR function......and yet when the proverbial hits the fan, it is often HR that is expected to clean up the mess and figure out the fix - always at short notice, always requiring many unexpected hours of additional workload, and often without a thank you.
So many of us are urged to work harder and longer to achieve success, especially within corporate environments. But sometimes, the answer is actually to step back.