HR leader offering expert support for organisational design and change management

Primary focus for current or most recent role: HR Business Partner

Remits where you can offer expert support: Commercial HR Leader with experience in SMEs and large corporate businesses

Unique expertise: Global HR leader and trusted partner to business leaders capable of shaping and executing strategy. Deep organisation design and change experience.

Markets with deep expertise: Experienced in working with varied organisations organisations across EMEA, USA and Asia. Have led businesses through growth (new market and product), change (operating models) and restructures (including M&A and downsizing). Have the ability to consider all elements of HR (strategy, recruitment, development, engagement, reward etc.) and bring together to deliver commercial outcomes.
Languages : English

Workforce types directly supported: Extensive experience with technology businesses (covering all functions - sales, commercial, product, engineering etc.)

Current home country: UK

Home state / kanton / borough: Buckinghamshire

Team management: Managed teams of over 30, totally at ease leading or working as a sole contributor

Strengths: Have worked as a consultant so appreciate the need to be impactful and outcome focused whilst understanding organisation context.

Need to know: I am passionate about driving performance through aligned and collaborative teams. Key to my success has been working out innovative and scalable solutions with business leaders through understanding change and engaging stakeholders.

Currently setup with secure home office and reliable internet?: Yes

Any conflict of time/interest clauses we need to be mindful of : Nil

 For more details on this professional and how they might help with your business challenges, please make direct contact with us today and reference P040330