Your HR Resume - 12 components that make it compelling, stand out & impress the hell out of hiring managers!
Hiring managers are NOT looking for job descriptions or activities on your resume. Job descriptions are simply boring descriptions of the responsibilities of the HR positions you have held in the past. Today, that simply won’t cut it.
The language of business is dollars and numbers. Everyone wants HR folks who deliver impact and produce results.
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CV'S and Resumes - What will the future hold?
It means that companies ultimately make their hiring choices from people with the best CV's.....rather than from those in the "too hard" basket who actually might be the best people for the job. Unfortunately, using the CV alone as a key input for hiring decisions, has resulted time and again in a poor hiring match.
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What is Talent Mapping and why is it essential?
It means a bottom gets on the seat sooner, to maximise delivery and productivity for the function. It means the company is never feeling "at ransom" in addressing performance issues for the fear of being left short of a key specialist. It means minimum disruption to the team and to the company.
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What are emotional contracts and can they build engagement in the hiring process?
The interview schedule if it exists, doesn’t run to plan. The candidate is jumping through hoops to show interest, but it’s a one way love affair – the candidate answers a bunch of detailed questions about themselves but gets minimal chance to ask probing questions of the company interviewers.
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It's time to throw your 'diversity' strategy in the trash!!!
Recruitment driven diversity strategies miss the point. Well meaning leaders intent on 'fixing' the problem often order 'hire more women' as the solution......
- women are hired but don't stay because they are not included
- men are very defensive and resist, resist, resist!
- women feel they are tokens - and it impacts their personal confidence and effectiveness.
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It’s Expensive to Not Provide Candidate Feedback
...46% of candidates who believe they have had a “negative” overall experience say they will take their alliance, product purchases and relationship somewhere else....An unhappy candidate could also make negative remarks about your company, chasing away potential talents and clients. In fact, 27% of candidates following a bad experience would “actively discourage others to apply.”
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Essential tips on HR career success
Financially savvy HR managers can identify where the “artful” aspects of finance have been applied to the numbers, where the “soft spots” (or BS) are in the numbers, and they know how applying the numbers differently might lead to different conclusions. They are thus prepared, when appropriate, to question, push back and challenge the numbers like any other member of the business team.
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Why provide feedback in a recruitment process?, which allows anonymous postings, is an indicative barometer of work conditions within any company. It would be a great starting point for applicants to rate their interview experience, inclusive of timeliness of feedback.
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Effective layoffs and redundancies by HR
But the employee is left in shock, dismay, hurt, and utter bewilderment. They are devastated, and whilst some can quickly dust themselves off and continue with great career success elsewhere, there are many that cannot.
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Hiring is taking forever!
I struggle to think of another service industry where you pay your dosh up front as the customer, then wait for an uncertain timeframe to receive any kind of service result. It’s time for you, the paying customer to expect and demand more.
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Is your recruitment agency protecting your company brand?
.... I know that companies spend a fortune on packaging, marketing, advertising, securing community goodwill, etc. It will have taken them either a lot of money, or a lot of time to have achieved credibility for their brand. And a recruitment "partner" can effect a fantastically negative impact on this, in just seconds and for free.
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Recruitment agency fees
I'm an advocate for cost containment when you do need to utilise the experience/support/expertise of a 3rd party recruitment service. I'm also aware that there are still some recruitment providers who haven't changed their fee ratios or champagne and long lunch lifestyles since the nineties, and I know that that exorbitant fees do not guarantee the best service and results from any agency.
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Discrimination is rife within HR
Those of us the in HR profession are quick to stomp on business leaders when we see/hear of them undertaking discriminatory behaviours and actions.
But let me tell you. HR is absolutely just as culpable when hiring for its own.
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Discrimination in the recruitment process - there's got to be a better way
Interviewing is a minefield. So many stakeholders dancing around, and not actually finding out what they really want to know, and second guessing and presuming as a result, all because they're terrified of setting off the bomb of an anti discrimination claim.
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Is HR harder to hire for than the Finance and Legal Professions?
In fact, too many of the HR professionals we meet with daily, just don’t understand how many elements they need to master to be great in their roles. Too often a HR professional with a "perfect on paper" CV, is anything but high performance.
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Executive search recruitment secrets for better quality hires
And here it is. One of the most powerful tips for success as an interviewer.
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Candidate Communication
...if you’re an employer doing your own recruitment, and you don’t maintain contact with candidates outside of the times you’re actually hiring, what message about your brand and its values does that send?
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