There may be short term satisfaction in telling your bosses or colleagues what you really think about them, and emphasising this with some colourful insults, but there is nothing to gain in the mid to long term. This is also a good reason to avoid last day drinks – in the emotions that practically everyone feels on their last day, it’s too easy to say the wrong thing with a little artificial courage…
Read MoreHe went so far as to suggest that we'd made up the role, that we didn't know what we were doing, and that the employer would be furious at us for not having effected the introduction. He demanded to know who the other candidates were, and who the employer was so he could check into the validity of a/ the job existing and b/introduce himself to the company directly since we didn't know what we were doing.
Read MoreIf a disciplinary hearing is about how a company deals with an individual then why do we ignore what we already know about that person and their circumstances in order to satisfy the demands of a standard process? What is the cost of appearing to deliberately ignore the individual?
Read MoreWhat do you do when the IT help desk isn’t picking up your call? When the explanation over the phone from the support team just isn’t making sense? When you are struggling to translate the description of a thingy-me-jig to someone on the phone, who only talks tech? When you cannot continue effectively with your work until the tech issue is fixed?
Read MoreDon’t get me wrong. I have an equal respect for men and women in the HR community. I have no grudge to bear. I have an equal number of female and male friends and professional contacts.
But men, in my experience, typically interview better than their female counterparts.
Read MoreIt is worth remembering that in many countries the obligations of an employer towards his or her staff is exactly the same as if that employee were in the office. Checks on health and safety, annual appraisals, remuneration and so on are expected to be the same no matter where the work is carried out
Read More....despite progress in the type of work we do and how we do it, and advances in transportation that enable workers can to come from even further away in faster time, we haven’t really made any real progress on the basic social model of work here/live there.
Read MoreCheck into the job market, properly. It may well be that your skills which were greatly in demand in the foreign country, are not in demand in your homeland.
Read MoreDon’t do most of what Belfort did or you’ll end up in jail or dead. However, the Wolf of Wall Street was a businessman who tried to run his business according to some basic principles which would work well in most commercial organisations
Read More...apart from getting everything wrong it is hard to see how operational HR alone can actively change the way a business works or how it changes and grows.
Read MoreMandela was the first to admit that he got a lot of things wrong during his ‘long walk’ but the balance of opinion seems to suggest that as a leader he generally got more things right than wrong. He didn’t always do the popular thing....
Read MoreFind fun. Amuse yourself with B.S. bingo (heavens knows recruiters alone are full of it). Giggle at the nonsense written in job ads and job descriptions. Reward the achievement of your goals with fun activities (seriously – why shouldn’t you treat yourself for your HR job searching efforts.
Read MoreCuriously, the only jobs in most corporations that often go to complete outsiders are the very top jobs precisely because they need innovation and different thinking at that level. There are countless examples of the chief executive being appointed from outside the hiring sector, often to the great advantage of the organisation.
Read More...employers are saying ‘we need graduates’ for any and all jobs and will only consider employing people if they have a minimum of a media studies degree from the university of the middle of somewhere.
Read MoreWe have bred new generations of HR professionals who don’t have any of the fundamental knowledge or skills that have been the traditional bread and butter of HR.
Read More...always, always, always work with the best people you can find. They’ll improve the performance of your business and improve your performance as well. Don’t hire “yes men” who won’t challenge you because they won’t challenge anybody else.
Read MoreEveryone grumbles about the cost of executive search. Both I, and most of my senior colleagues have long complained about how much search firms charge and the way those fees are structured....
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